Sleep disorders

Causes of snoring and methods of its treatment

Sleep snoring has various causes and, accordingly, requires an individual approach to treatment, taking into account these causes and the severity of the patient’s condition.

Forms of snoring


  • primary uncomplicated snoring

A condition in which during the night’s rest there are no significant respiratory disorders, and there are no disturbances in the sleep structure

  • snoring as one of the signs of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

In this case, patients experience frequent episodes of nocturnal apnea (breathing stops), leading to a violation of the quality and structure of night sleep and accompanied by corresponding health consequences.

What caused this violation?

Determining the cause of snoring is the main and most important task of the doctor, allowing you to choose adequate methods of treatment.

Unfortunately, there is still a misunderstanding among people about the dangers of snoring. It should be understood that snoring through the nose or mouth, whatever the reason behind it, requires careful attention, especially with its significant intensity and the presence of some additional signs:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • increased sleepiness during the day;
  • nocturnal motor activity of the limbs;
  • nightmares;
  • poor night sleep with frequent awakenings and a feeling of lack of sleep;
  • decreased performance and impaired concentration;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Types of causes of snoring

All causes of snoring can be divided into two main groups: anatomical and physiological.

  1. Anatomical causes of snoring.

This group includes conditions accompanied by anatomical narrowing of the airways and caused by developmental anomalies or acquired disorders. These reasons include congenital narrowness of the nasal passages and pharynx, an elongated palatine uvula, enlarged tonsils, polyps, adenoids, and a small displaced lower jaw.

2. Functional causes of snoring.

They include functional disorders caused by a number of factors: taking sleeping pills, alcohol, smoking, lack of sleep, fatigue, overweight. In addition, the appearance of snoring is facilitated by a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the pharyngeal structures, which occurs in the process of hormonal adjustment and natural aging of the body, especially in women during menopause.

The danger of snoring

Complicated snoring, regardless of its cause, can cause serious consequences. First of all, the quality of sleep suffers, its structure is disturbed, it becomes intermittent and superficial. There are various neurophysiological disorders, manifested by irritability, morning headaches, weakness, daytime sleepiness, decreased performance, anxiety, depression, decreased memory and concentration.

In the future, complicated snoring often causes disruption of the heart and pathologies of the cardiovascular system as a whole: arterial hypertension, angina attacks.

The existence of potentially dangerous complications requires timely diagnosis of the disease and its treatment in specialized medical institutions with modern diagnostic equipment and qualified medical staff. At the Center for Sleep Medicine at the Rehabilitation Clinic in Khamovniki, you will have the opportunity to be examined and receive assistance in the required amount.

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